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Dental health assessment
At your first appointment with Durban Dental Centre our aim is to make you feel as relaxed and as comfortable as possible while visiting the dental centre, your care is our priority.
We will ask you to fill out a medical history questionnaire if you haven’t already done so. It is important to tell us about any medications you take and any surgery you have had however minor. The medical history is a General Dental Council requirement and is vitally important, especially any allergies you may have such as latex and antibiotics or whether you are diabetic , epileptic, have a heart condition e.t.c.
You will meet your dentist who will go through your medical history, and will listen to your concerns and expectations. The dentist will then assess your oral condition and he will tell the nurse of any existing treatments present.
The checks we make:
- Teeth for cavities, cracks, mobility
- Gums for any sign of gum disease
- Soft tissues for any signs of trauma, ulcers or cancer
- Neck for lumps and bumps
- Jaw joints for signs of clicking
- Occlusion to see if the teeth are meeting properly.
The first consultation usually involves taking small radiographs which are included in your examination fee and /or a larger x-ray called an Orthopantomogram (OPG) These are special x-rays of the lower face, teeth and jaws. An OPG provides a panoramic view of the mouth, teeth and bones of the upper and lower jaws. As the x-rays are digital and instant, the dentist will then go through the x-rays with you pointing out any discrepancies that need attention.
Once the examination is complete, a range of treatment options will then be offered to you. The Dentist will discuss this with you to ensure you are fully informed so you can make the appropriate decision choosing the most suitable option. You will be provided with a full written estimate detailing all the costs involved for the treatment prescribed and you are under no obligation to have any of the treatment done.
Do not be afraid to ask any questions if you are unclear with any point of the treatment prescribed or about anything that has been discussed.
If you would like to book a dental health assessment with Durban Dental Centre or to find out more about what we could do for you, please give our team a call on 01892 652377.

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The biggest complement we receive is when our patients refer their friends and family to Durban Dental Centre. In fact, we have built much of our practice on these valued, trusted recommendations over the years. Read our reviews to hear why our patients are recommending us…